How Vertice helped Capmo
cut its SaaS procurement time in half


Savings on strategic contracts


Reduction in emails exchanged per contract


Faster time to contract approvals

About Capmo

Capmo, a construction management software company, was founded in Munich, Germany in 2018.

After raising €25M in Series B funding, the company increased its headcount by 155% in only two years.


Munich, Germany




Construction Software

SaaS Tools


The challenge

As with any fast-growing company, Capmo relied on a number of software applications to support its rapid growth, allowing it to expand its team from four employees to more than 100 in less than five years. But while these tools gave it the flexibility it needed to scale effectively, the sheer volume being used also came with its challenges.

With a decentralized approach to procurement, Capmo’s biggest problem was that it lacked oversight of these tools. Not only was the company manually managing 90 SaaS contracts through a spreadsheet, but it also wasn’t aware of the full extent of its software portfolio.

For IT, this led to concerns around how the growing number of software applications would impact utilization and security. Within the finance team, there were concerns around the rapid increase in SaaS spend.

Another problem the company had was around tool ownership. With certain SaaS tools being used by multiple departments, it was rarely clear who should take responsibility for initiating renewals or negotiating contracts, which left the company not only paying more, but also agreeing to unfavorable terms or locked into contracts that were no longer required.

With further growth plans on the horizon, the leadership team at Capmo knew this lack of oversight and control was unsustainable and that it was time to start thinking strategically about its technology.

The solution

Capmo was looking for a platform that supported two things: proactive negotiation and usage oversight. Ultimately, the leadership team wanted the ability to quickly determine which tools were being used across the organization, how much they were spending on each tool, and how effectively they were using the licenses they were paying for. Capmo partnered with Vertice because it perfectly married these two requirements.

The company’s internal teams also saw the benefits of partnering with Vertice. For the IT team, it was key that any platform would provide them with visibility of the company’s growing SaaS stack, in order to avoid tool duplication and overprovisioning. This was something they were reassured that Vertice could deliver on.

Similarly, the finance team wanted a negotiation partner that would remove the burden of communicating with vendors, while ensuring that Capmo was paying the best possible price for the tools it needed. By providing them with projected savings, Vertice was able to demonstrate it was the right fit.

The results

Capmo’s mission is to make hard things in construction feel easy. The executive team wanted this idea to extend to internal processes as well. As a result, Capmo’s first priority with Vertice was to simplify and streamline its procurement process. Within the first few weeks, Capmo had completely revamped its process to maximize both security and efficiency.

Vertice partnered with Capmo’s leadership team to detail the process steps, beginning with tool discovery in Vertice’s Vendor Marketplace through to final contract approval. By leveraging Vertice workflow functionality to ensure accountability and oversight, Capmo’s team could keep stakeholders informed of important decisions without causing delays in the procurement process.

Simultaneously, Capmo could count on the negotiation expertise of Vertice to deliver cost-savings. After delivering 33% savings on the first strategic contract negotiation, Capmo was positive they had selected the right partner to support both its short- and long-term growth.

Smarter SaaS Spend

Learn more about Vertice and how we can help your business save on SaaS.