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HashiCorp pricing guide

The Vertice platform optimizes SaaS procurement by securing the cheapest HashiCorp price via strategic negotiation.

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Company Profile

Company Info

HashiCorp is the leader in infrastructure automation for multi-cloud environments. It is building solutions that enable innovation at global enterprises, offering them a common cloud operating model via consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run their infrastructure with any application.

San Francisco
year Founded
IT & Security


Pricing Insights

Pricing Clarity
The Vertice Pricing Clarity Score provides you with insight into how a vendor compares with peers.
Pricing Clarity Score
Low Simplicity
Medium Simplicity
High Simplicity
Simplicity is rated on how easy and intuitive pricing is to understand.
Low Transparency
Medium Transparency
High Transparency
Transparency is rated on the availability of published pricing structures.
Low Parity
Medium Parity
High Parity
Parity is rated on how consistent pricing is across similar customer profiles.
Average Discount
This is calculated by the aggregate price discount that customers pay when compared with list pricing.
Low Discount Possibility
Medium Discount Possibility
High Discount Possibility
Based on Vertice data
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This HashiCorp pricing guide explores this multi-faceted hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure management vendor, illuminating the several products making up the “Infrastructure Cloud”. We’ll investigate the pricing structure for each product and explain which organizations would benefit most. To help you further decide which tools best align with your specific infrastructure management needs and budget, we’ll also list alternative vendors to optimize your procurement operations. Afterwards, Vertice can handle SaaS contract negotiations using our unique pricing benchmarks as leverage to secure the best price. 

What HashiCorp can do for you 

HashiCorp is a multi-faceted hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure management solution containing several derivative products under the “Infrastructure Cloud”. This umbrella term involves two main areas:  

  • Infrastructure Lifecycle Management – Automating, managing, and orchestrating infrastructure tasks like provisioning and configuration from start to finish for efficiency and consistency across cloud and on-premise environments. 
  • Security Lifecycle Management – Focuses on securing data and access controls throughout application lifecycles, reducing data breach risk and improving overall security posture

We’ll take a closer look at each of the seven products in the next section. 

HashiCorp pricing structures and tiers

HashiCorp pricing is split into products for different use cases: 

HashiCorp pricing – Terraform

HashiCorp pricing for the Terraform product unlocks varying levels of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) capabilities, helping organizations define and manage infrastructure across different cloud environments. Terraform automates essential processes like provisioning, configuration, and resource management. Not only does this save time on simple and repetitive processes, it also reduces the chance of human error. 

HashiCorp advertises four Terraform tiers: 

  • HCP Free (Max 500 monthly resources) – A great way to explore Terraform and learn the IaC basics before paying for a subscription. HCP Free can also be a perfect fit for startups and SMBs with minimal infrastructure requirements. 
  • HCP Standard (Starts at $0.00014/hour per resource) – Upgrade from the free Terraform product and enjoy notable additions, including team management and premium customer support. 
  • HCP Plus (Custom pricing) – Enterprises requiring more advanced capabilities for standardizing and managing infrastructure workflow automation and lifecycle must contact HashiCorp for a HCP Plus quote. Standout features include policy as code, versioned policy sets, and no-code provisioning. 
  • Enterprise (Custom pricing) – HashiCorp advertises the Terraform Enterprise package for enterprises with special security and compliance requirements. Key additions include cross-organization registry sharing and active/active scale-out. 

HashiCorp pricing – Packer 

HashiCorp pricing for the Packer product helps organizations standardize image workflows across cloud providers. These images can be used for cloud deployments, virtual machines, or containerized applications.  

Organizations with considerable DevOps requirements can garner the most value, particularly those working in cloud architecture. HashiCorp advertises three tiers: 

  • HCP Free (10 buckets tracked) – Individuals or small teams can take advantage of the HCP Free tier for Packer. This package unlocks the core features for tracking image artifacts, although this is limited to 10 “buckets” (essentially built infrastructure images for artifacts). 
  • HCP Standard (Starts at $0.010/hour) – HashiCorp pricing for the HCP Standard Packer tier uses a pay-as-you-go pricing structure to ensure organizations only pay for what they need. This cost-effective approach is brilliant for SMBs and businesses with fluctuating demands. 
  • HCP Plus (Starts at $0.034/hour) – Enterprises will most likely need HCP Plus, the premier Packer subscription. Key additions include imagine compliance checks, scheduled revocation workflow, and audit log streaming. 

HashiCorp pricing – Waypoint

HashiCorp’s Waypoint product is a convenient counterpoint to Terraform and other IaC tools, allowing organizations to manage application dependencies and standardize application patterns quickly and easily. 

Waypoint is primarily an open source product, so SMBs and businesses with less advanced requirements can leverage the tool for free. The HashiCorp pricing page doesn’t mention a paid Waypoint version, although customer stories suggest an enterprise-level subscription may be an option during negotiations. 

HashiCorp pricing – Nomad

Nomad enables organizations to manage containers, binaries, and virtual machines in various IT environments, from the cloud to on-premise and even edge locations. The workload orchestrator is similar to Kubernetes, although there is a bigger focus on out-of-the-box usability. 

HashiCorp pricing options for Nomad are as follows: 

  • Community (free and self-managed) – Organizations comfortable with self-management with the technical expertise to manage their own deployments can use the Community Nomad product for an extremely cost-effective option.  
  • Enterprise (custom pricing) – If you need more advanced functionality and prefer a managed solution, HashiCorp pricing for Nomad Enterprise is available per quote. This includes additional features like enhanced read scalability, dynamic application sizing, and node pool governance.  

HashiCorp pricing – Vault 

While the four HashiCorp products explored so far have been for Infrastructure Lifecycle Management, Vault focuses on Security Lifecycle Management. 

The product helps organizations adopt a “shift left” culture regarding security, integrating security considerations from the beginning of the infrastructure lifecycle. Vault integrates seamlessly with other HashiCorp products like Terraform and Nomad, allowing for a unified approach to infrastructure management and security. 

Organizations can choose from three packages: 

  • HCP Vault Secrets (Up to 25 monthly secrets) – Individual developers and small terms with minimal “secrets” (sensitive data like credentials, certificates, or tokens) can use HCP Vault Secrets for free.  
  • HCP Vault Dedicated (Starts at $1.58/hour) – This upgraded package is charged per hour, creating a cost-effective way to get enhanced functionality. Notable additions include encryption-as-a-service, dynamic secrets, and UI with cluster management.
  • Enterprise (Custom pricing) – HashiCorp also offers a self-managed Enterprise package for Vault, enabling large enterprises to customize security policies, access controls, and auditing capabilities to meet their specific compliance requirements and operational needs. 

HashiCorp pricing – Boundary 

HashiCorp pricing for the Boundary product is all about identity-based access controls. It’s crucial for organizations following Zero Trust security principles, helping to take the manual effort away from strengthening security posture across cloud and on-premise environments.  

The vendor provides three potential packages: 

  • HCP Standard (Starts at $0.50/session) – For individuals or small teams. HashiCorp also offers the first 50 sessions a month for free. 
  • HCP Plus (Starts at $0.90/session) – A more advanced Boundary package is almost twice as expensive, although organizations benefit from session recording lifecycle management. 
  • Enterprise (Custom pricing) – HashiCorp pricing for Boundary Enterprise is delivered per quote. It comes with notable upgrades like audit log streaming, automatic updates, and disaster recovery. 

HashiCorp pricing – Consul

HashiCorp Consul is a service networking solution for connecting and securing services within dynamic and distributed infrastructure environments. The product offers several key features to streamline discovery, communication, and overall application health. 

Here are the subscription options: 

  • HCP Consul Dedicated (Starts at $0.027/hour) – A managed service networking platform helping organizations scale cloud operations reliably and efficiently. 
  • Enterprise (Custom pricing) – A self-managed solution aimed at enterprises with complex requirements. 

Additional HashiCorp costs to consider 

HashiCorp pricing doesn’t include many traditional add-ons, although volume-based pricing means that organizations must be careful to avoid escalating costs. 

Other vendors offering Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Infrastructure Management 

Comparing vendors to find the best fit for your organization is a key tenet of procurement initiatives. Below are three HashiCorp alternatives.

HashiCorp pricing vs Rancher

Rancher pricing is obscured, with organizations asked to fill in a form to receive a quote. The vendor’s main focus is on container orchestration, particularly using Kubernetes across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. 

The unified platform can be easier to use and understand than HashiCorp’s product library, but it falls short of the latter’s best-in-class and versatile functionality.  

HashiCorp pricing vs Platform9

Platform9 pricing is also only available per quote. The platform offers a unified platform for IaC, cloud security, and application lifecycle management similar to HashiCorp. 

Customer stories indicate that Platform9 offers a simpler management experience. However, functionalities in specific areas like container orchestration or secrets management are less extensive than HashiCorp’s dedicated products, so bear this in mind.   

HashiCorp pricing vs Ansible

Ansible pricing is similarly unavailable. The vendor can be a cost-effective alternative to Hashicorp’s Terraform due to its open source roots, but only for organizations comfortable with scripting and advanced coding. 

HashiCorp pricing – the Vertice verdict 

HashiCorp is an exceptionally powerful and multi-faceted platform, with each product delivering best-in-class functionality for its particular domain. The commitment to open-source principles and advanced product capabilities allows HashiCorp to offer a modular and flexible platform for any infrastructure or application management use case. 

There aren’t many better options out there, especially with the vendor’s product breadth. Careful though: the number of product choices can make it hard to select exactly what you need. 

Vertice can help here, stepping in to drive negotiations using pricing insights from over 16,000 benchmarked vendors. Our customer purchasing teams are experienced in driving a hard bargain, and can also advise on the features you require.

Then, our SaaS Purchasing Platform can grant subsequent full stack visibility via unified dashboards to help you keep tabs on your resource usage and run more cost-effectively. Get in touch for more information.


Pricing FAQs

Is it worth paying for HashiCorp?

Paying for HashiCorp is more than worth it provided you choose the optimal products for your requirements.

Can I use HashiCorp for free? 

Yes. HashiCorp has several free open-source options.

What are the subscription options for HashiCorp? 

HashiCorp has seven products with varying subscription opinions. Read further up the page for the lowdown.

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